Sunday, October 28, 2007

#7 - X365

Mr. C - You were my Grade 10 and 12 English Teacher. You loved Shakespeare and Chaucer. In fact, I believe you were on a first name basis with both :-) You had us memorize lines of poetry and prose, and I can still quote the "quality of mercy" monologue from The Merchant of Venice.

You probably think that blogging is a waste of the written word, and therefore, you will never see this post, but you are the reason that I feel like a Scholastic failure. You set an extremely high standard and I reached it in Grade 10. But when Grade 12 rolled around, I was too busy being cool (and Drunk) to really take notice of what you were trying to get me to achieve.

I apologise for not reaching the heights you wanted for me. I wanted them too. Now I am struggling to find my way back there. I regret not believing in you the way you believed in us.

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