Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Everyone else is doing it, so why can't I?

Google your name and the word needs in "" : "Tracey Needs"

Tracey needs to grow up and admit the problem isn't Mooney. (I only know one Mooney, and it wasn't her fault)
Tracey needs to (respectfully) stop being self-righteously wrong, become humble and do some research.
Tracey needs someone to have her back.
Tracey needs to come up with an interesting costume.
Tracey needs a hot hand to take the zone off. (this one sounds dirty :)
Tracey needs to be on her own.
Tracey needs to know faith and prayer saved that girls life.
Tracey needs to be played as more petulant and dissatisfied. (Aren't I petulant enough?)
Tracey needs 1 more minute. (Don't we all)

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