Tuesday, December 13, 2005

12 hours of sleep later...

It's amazing how wonderful waking up from an amazing sleep can feel. I am so refreshed and feeling fabulous. Of course, I wouldn't have gotten that sleep unless I'd taken 3 spoonfulls of Nyquil.

How was everyone's monday? I slept, watched Oprah, Dr. Phil, slept, finished crocheting an afghan, and tried to start knotting a scarf. I seem to have forgotten how to knit. How is this possible? The needles feel so foreign in my hands. My Grandma taught me how to knit a couple of years ago and I was not very good at it, but I could do it.

If anyone knows of a good book to help me improve this skill, let me know.

1 comment:

Terri said...

The fact that you crocheted an afghan has me bowing in your presence! Way to go..I just tie knots, drop kick my efforts across the room and go eat a cookie.