Friday, December 30, 2005

In his infinte Wisdom...

My hubby decided that he would try to upgrade our computer on his week off... Now instead of having a slow computer, I have NO COMPUTER!!!!

I am in serious withdrawl. I'm supposed to be working right now, but I must blog somewhere!!!

Plus, here's the grounds for divorce. He insisted on taking the pictures that I took at Christmas off of the camera, and putting them on the computer. Then he deleted them, then he crashed our system, and lost all of my photos. ARRGH!!

I am not impressed! My Dad is going to have to email me pictures of Christmas. It's a good thing that Trav is cute, or else...

He'd better take me to see Narnia tonight. :-)


Terri said...

When you computer is up and running there is a program you can buy online for $30 or something that allows you to get back your deleted pictures from your

It saved my ass a few times.

Tracey said...

Thanks for the tip on the memory card, I'll have to check it out.