Monday, January 09, 2006

Et tu Starbucks?

I am aware that $5.00 for a cup of coffee, albeit a huge cup with a million grams of caffiene, is expensive, but in this Slate article from Friday, it tells about the Starbucks secret... Ordering a better coffee, and it's cheaper.
I'm going to Stabucks right now, and testing this out for you. I do this all for you :-)

I will update and let you know the results. Is the cheaper better??? Let's find out.

EDIT: Well, the barista who served me looked at me like I'd sprouted leafy green cabbage for a head when I asked about getting a "short Latte". She kept repeating "you want a Tall one?"
"No, not tall, short, like a highball"
"A what?"
"A Highball, a rye and coke in a short glass vs. a tall one. A short latte. "
More puzzled looks... I finally say, "Just give me a cup of Joy."
And that's the story of how I had my last cup of Christmas Blend Tea - Joy, for this year.

For more on the loss of Starbucks Christmas goodies see this posting from Christy

1 comment:

Terri said...

I love Starbucks. Trying to convince Hubster that a Starbucks is needed in our neighborhood tout suite (yes..that's bad french).