Saturday, April 08, 2006

It's that time of year again!

I have 36 Cases of cookies in my trunk, and I know how to use them! If you don't start buying cookies, I will have no choice but to send 15 of the cutest five and six year-olds to each of your houses and they will be dripping with sweetness and kindness, and they will be all cute-ified and you will open your wallets and throw money at them to stop the cute overload from distroying all of your homes and communities!

So does anyone want to buy some Girl Guide Cookies? They're only $4.00 a box!


Anonymous said...

Ah, for the barely-remembered days of $2.00/box GG cookies...

becky said...

I LOVE this picture. I'm so borrowing it for my own cookie rant, later this week.

Hey girl, coffee sometime soon? I wanna talk Christopher Moore with you! Gimme a call.

Christy said...

I live across from the school and have worked my way up to refusing raffle tickets and every chocolate covered morsel ever made.
