Monday, April 03, 2006

Movie Reviews

I have watched 3 movies in the last four nights. Brokeback Mountain with Becky and A History of Violence and The Aristocrats with Travis.

Brokeback Mountain was a good movie. To call it "a gay cowboy movie" is a gross over simplification of the plot. The scenery was breathtaking. Makes a person want to go to Alberta for a vacation... Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal were incredible as the male leads. There were places in the film where I thought that it was a little slow, but otherwise it was a good show. (Plus, before the movie Becky took me out for supper to the Saskatoon Asian Restaurant on 2nd Avenue. It was a great meal! I loved the soup...but don't ask me what it was called!)

A History of Violence is a movie that Travis has wanted to see since the first preview hit the tv. It has Viggo Mortenson as the father of a family torn apart by suspicion. Is he a former Mafia hitman, or is it mistaken identity? I won't spoil it for anyone, but it is worth the rental fees. Be warned though, it has some very graphic violence and a couple of sex scenes that are...extreme.

The Aristocrats was...different. No Nudity, No Violence, Extreme Profanity. This documentary tells the story of the joke that comedians told each other. It has a hundred different versions of the joke, and the history of it's origins. I really enjoyed this, Travis not so much. If you are looking for a stand up act, this isn't it. Trav said that he was tired of the joke about half way through the movie, but the premise worked for me.

All in all, a good weekend it was.


Christy said...

Oh to be abale to see )NE movie in 4 nights. ;)

Would love to see BBM, so your review was appreciated.

Christy said...

Oh to be able to type and then remember to proof read....that should read:

Oh to be able to see ONE movie in 4 nights.


Anonymous said...

Hello, if you're looking for a good web site that has movie reviews, copy/paste on this url: