Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Sopranos Season six begins to end...

The Sopranos just aired the first of the last episodes tonight. This begs the question, "How will it end?"

Here are my top 3 answers:

1) My guess: Tony will die. Somehow, I feel a violent and painful ending this way comes. I don't like it, but I think that is what is in store.

2) My Husband's Best Friend Noel's guess: Tony will take over Carmine's territory in New York. Right now this area is being horrifically mis-managed by Phil Leotardo, while Johnny Sack is in the big house.

3) What I would HATE TO SEE: Tony getting busted by the Feds on the RICO case that they have been building for a long time. I would rather see Tony dead than in Jail.

What do you think will be the end of Tony Soprano? Or will it even be an end?

1 comment:

Ross said...

i can see christopher double crossing tony in some way, either the gangster way by killing him and taking over, or the rat way by giving the feds info that will land tony in prison. another situation i could see happening although not as likely as the previous, now that tony and carmela have reconciled, and anthony jr. seems to have his life somewhat straightened out and not involved in the family business tony decides to turn gov't witness in exchange for a new identity in the witness protection program.
just some thoughts, we'll find out soon enough.