Friday, October 12, 2007

The problem with blogging is...

That it can't be anonymous, if you want your friends to know where it is... Speaking of which, Hi Amy A. out in beautiful BC. If you can read this, you are in the right site!

I guess I need to stop "lurking" on my own blog... Maybe soon :-)

It's currently 3:19am, and I have almost been up for 24 hours straight. I woke up at 3:45 am on Thursday morning to go to work at GC. I've started in Traffic now. CRAZY!!! But, now it's nearly a whole day later, and I am still up. I am a mess!

I would have gone to bed way before, but first, I had to see Gray's Anatomy at 10, then I facebooked and burned a copy of Knocked Up (actually Kim burned it, I was just at the computer while the program ran), then I had to watch the movie, because I had to... Stop questioning my reasons...

Then finally, I just opened my Bloglines, and saw a Major backload of files. i guess I should check it more than once a week :-)


Anonymous said...

Screwed up sleep schedules are not fun. It's 4:30 am, and I'm awake. I went to bed at 9:00 last night because I was bored, slept until 3 and now I can't get back to sleep.

And, I have to be up at 9. Ugh.

Also, how can you only check Bloglines once a week?! I check Google Reader a dozen or more times a day. At least.

Tracey said...

Normally I do check it more often, but I have tried to avoid the internet this week... I'm tempted to blog about something that I shouldn't and if I hang around too much, then my will power dissapears. :-)

Michele said...

Will power, Smill power. c'mon........c'mon.........