Thursday, December 06, 2007

#46 - X365

Shaun S. - You were Tera's boyfriend for the longest time, and if it were not for her, I probably wouldn't have felt as comfortable around you as I did. You were the kind of guy that made me nervous. You were self-assured and confident, and I was used to guys like Zab, who did what they were told.

You were the Drama King. You had every starring role that was offered, and you were really good too. I remember our Charlie Brown days fondly, and I always will :-)

I was kinda pissed though, that you told a bunch of people that I was easy. I am still not sure what the whole story was, but you and I both know that I never did anything with you, EVER! We made out a bit that night in your basement, but then again, who didn't make out in your basement... and then your MOM drove me home, so that was AWESOME! (Not really, but I like to keep up the enthusiasm around here.)

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