Thursday, December 27, 2007

#67 - X365

Carlene B. - Thanks to facebook, I recently hooked back up with you this last year. I have many, many Carlene memories, but My favorite has to be your last couple of days in town before you moved away.

It was the summer between grade 6 and grade 7. I had been in love with B. H. all year, (He had a perm and was soooo cute! He sat in front of me in Mrs Hannah's class), and Carlene, you would bug me that I should just go and tell him how I feel. I was so scared to talk to him that I would chicken out every time I tried. Finally, I remember we were at the pool, and you walked up to him and started the conversation (like any great wingwoman would) and you led me to blurt out that I liked him.

He was kind and gracious (and was dating Chantal, great timing!) and let me down super gently, but after that, B. would talk to me and we actually were kind of friends after that! Carlene, I have you to thank for that. You helped me realize that boys can be spoken to and not just adored! :-)

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