Friday, January 25, 2008

Guess where I am...

In my room, on MY computer!!! Shit son, I'm back!

I am looking at a long night, as I change the date and upload all of my pre-typed entries... (ask my old roommate, Kim, I sat up for two nights in November and typed crap until February, because I had no Idea when I would get internet again...

Living on your own sucks Balls! I have bills and I have rent due and Car payments and EVERYTHING!!! Being a grown-up sucks :-)

But, right now, I wouldn't change it for the world.

(and there is a boy too...) (It's way too soon to say anything, but he's nice and he's employed and he's bar age :-) That's enough for now. I missed posting, and I'm super excited to be back, Y'all!

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