Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Fat Tuesday!

What is Fat Tuesday?

In my house growing up, we would have pancakes for supper and make our lent sacrifices known. I'm not sure if the Husband will allow Pancakes for supper...(not if he's cooking), but I will make my annual lent announcement.

After a lot of thought. I have decided to give up 2 things.

  1. Snack foods from the mall. It's way too easy to grab popcorn or ice cream or candy from any of the retailers. I can grab it and then eat it at my desk.
  2. Fancy Caffinated drinks. This includes Starbucks and Timothy's and Tim Hortons, and any other chain or coffee retailer that I might encounter in the next 40 days and 40 nights. Only exception: I am allowing myself tea.

That's right, I'm giving up Starbucks for Lent! I hope that the people who work there will give me a triple shot after Easter for the enormus effort this will take. One year, I gave up Chocolate, and did really well. For a celebration afterward, I was treated to the Saskatoon Inn's chocolate buffet. Nice! And the funny thing is, I didn't want to gorge on the chocolate. I savoured it, I enjoyed it. I didn't eat what I would have before Lent.

I realized that that is part of the sacrifice. You learn to appreciate the items that you use and abuse. So now, instead of looking towards Lent as a time to give something up, I see it as a chance to learn to appreciate something new.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I gave up chocolate one year and coffee for another. It was difficult at first but after a while it wasn't so bad. Best wishes with lent.