Tuesday, February 07, 2006

To Parents who think they can do a better job: GO AHEAD!

As some of you know, I am a Spark leader. I have been for 5 years. Last night was the first time I have ever wanted to quit.

I have one other girl who is a leader with me. She is a full-time University Student, and she works part-time in a store. She also has the same social and family obligations as anyone else. I work full-time and am involved with many other projects. My time is precious to me, and I would have no problem filling the time I give to Girl Guides with another activity.

I, with the person, plan and execute a weekly meeting for 5 and 6 year-old girls. 13 of them. Their parents drop them off and we are left to ensure that they are stimulated, and entertained for an hour until their parents show back up. Last night, one of the parents, who has NEVER stayed longer than the first 5 minutes, or volunteered to help with ANYTHING, attacked the other Leader in front of everyone, saying that our communication skills sucked. That she had no clue what was going on with our planning and she wanted to know about things NOW!

First of all, we are not in charge of weather, or outdoor venues, or illnesses, so the things that change because of these factors are beyond my control. Second, I send out notices. I deliver them by hand in some instances. I write a newsletter called The Sparkler that details what and where things are going to be.

I invite ANY OF THE PARENTS in my group to do a better job. I welcome the help. I encourage the help. I would LOVE to sit back and critique the job that they would do.

Let's be fair, criticism is a good thing, if it is constructive. Perhaps this parent would prefer a phone call, or an email instead of a letter, that's fine. I can do that, but to shout at us in a public setting is not only rude and uncalled for, it shows what your character truly is.


Breanne Gentner said...

I'm in my third year of being a leader (1 year of Sparks, now 2nd year of Brownies) and I know exactly what you are talking about. My first instance of being fed up happened a couple of weeks ago... sort of got blamed for a parent's own incompetence. Annoying.

Terri said...

Wow..I didn't know you were a leader. I have thought of doing it myself as I was a brownie and a girl guide myself and enjoyed those years. Diva turns 5 in March...maybe it's time she became a Spark next fall.

Sorry that parent went all ape.

becky said...

Hugs, girl. Hang in there. There are times when I have to remind myself that I'm not there for myself -- but for the girls whose lives I'm making a difference in. And you ARE making a difference.

See you on Sunday!

Christy said...

I hope that Mom was PMS'ing...Only remotely good excuse I can come up with for her being such a cad.

Sorry you had to deal with that witch. (note the lack of b in that word....aren't you proud?!)