Sunday, April 30, 2006

I have the theme from 'The Godfather' playing in my head. Is this normal?

I'm back, after a long hiatus... Too long. I'm sorry. I've missed blabbing to y'all nearly as much as y'all have missed reading me :-)

So, I'm all better. My stitches are out, and I feel normal again!!! I send out a big thank you and a hug to Becky. She made me these AWESOME potatos that had corn and carrots, I think. Travis liked them too, so if She'll let me, I'm going to get her recipe and make them. They were great when I couldn't chew. Travis has a wisdom tooth that is coming out in July, so I'm going to need to make squishy foods for him.

I've had a quiet weekend. Travis went out on Saturday, so I stayed home and rented Shopgirl and Me and You and Everyone We Know. I really liked both of these movies. Me and You was pretty twisted though. It's a strange love story.

I also grabbed a copy of Adbusters. I'm still digesting the content. I'll have a full "review" later. I can't remember who had mentioned this Mag to me, but I saw it, and grabbed it on a whim. This issues theme is "Torture'. Juxtapose that with the other Magazine that I was reading last week: Beyond. Beyond's theme was "Possible Worlds", and the issue before that was "Beauty".

I can definitely see a place for both of these publications in my home. After reading articles like the ones you find in these magazines, it sure makes Cosmo seem like garbage for the brain.

1 comment:

becky said...

Yay for feeling better! I'm glad you liked the potatoes -- I'll hook you up with the recipe.

Oh, and I'm digging your choice of magazines. Those two are ones you won't wanna get rid of -- they're great to reread. (which reminds me, I'll have to loan you my copy of Geez magazine -- it's sorta a spiritualized Adbusters-esque magazine)

Take care! Let's get together again soon.