Monday, May 14, 2007

Friendly Neighbour Hood Spider Man!

I was treated to a Date Night last night! We went to the Galaxy Theater to see Spider Man 3.

As a fan of the Spider dude franchise, it was a great movie! The special effects were amazing, the fight/action sequences were spectacular and the cast was well chosen. There was only one problem... The script was too rushed. There was little character development for some of the side characters, and there were too many "coincidences".

For example, Pete and MJ just happen to be in the woods, and miss seeing a HUGE meteor that contains the black ooze dude, Venom. In the comics, MJ's Astronaut boyfriend brings Venom back on his rocket ship (unknown to him, of course). Also, the Eddie character is snubbed, what, like twice, by Peter Parker, and he ends up HATING Peter so much that he wishes him dead? Meh, I'm being EXTREMELY picky. It was a great movie, and if you liked either one of the first Spidey movies, you'll like this one too!

On the Downside, I was not at home to see the Sopranos, so NO SPOILERS!!! Although, I kinda think I know what happened... People around me can't keep secrets that well :-(

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