Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jerry Falwell...RIP, I guess. (I Mean, That's What Jesus Would Do!)

Yesterday, I was watching The View and they interrupted Rosie (THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!) to have an ABC News bulletin that Jerry Falwell was dead. He had not shown up to some church meeting, so the people there went to his home and found him there.

I had a few reactions go through my head immediately. First I was almost happy, then as soon as that thought came, I was horrified by it and shamed that I would be so rude! I felt for his family and friends, not his politics or any of that, but for the people he hugged goodnight and who would miss him like crazy.

Other Bloggers that I have read in the last day have not been split. One of my favorite posts is from Bitch Ph.D. She was a little Snarky (in her bitchy way) and it was a good chuckle and all, but I still feel kinda bad.

He and I may not have been on the same page, but he was still a person who Jesus would have loved. Jerry had flaws and so do I. All I can hope for is that he has found his eternal peace.

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