Saturday, August 11, 2007

Still Overwhelmed...when can I be simply whelmed?

I've been packing. When you are thinking about it, it doesn't seem like that it will be hard to pack all of your "stuff" and just go, But trust me, It's hard.

I've been sorting through six years of our his and my stuff, and it's hard. There are things that I don't want to look at right now, but I know that I'll regret it later if I throw it out.

Plus, the sheer VOLUME of everything is overwhelming. I have boxes and boxes of books, cd's dvd's, clothes, dishes, towels, everything! This sucks! Terri, if you are free tomorrow, I would love your expertise!!! :-)

Thanks to those who have sent out love and goodness my way. It is appreciated more than I can express right now! Especially, Kim, Becky, and Tara. You three are amazing, and if I forget to 'take' anything, I know that you will grab it before the door closes! :-) Thanks for being here.

I've gotta get back to my boxes, so I'll see you later!

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