Saturday, December 01, 2007

#41 - X365

Stan R. - You were one of Trav's best friends and that made you one of my friends too. I always liked you best I think. You were funny and you were smart... too smart actually. Why did you waste that brain? You could be running the world (I'm sure that you will someday).

When you called Travis that fateful day to "come and LOOK at the puppies" you knew that he's be bringing one home. I knew as soon as we got there that I had lost the battle and we were getting a dog. Tika is a great dog, and I can't believe I just typed that... but she is. Still, I was super pissed though when he put that animal in my car to bring her home. I remember looking in the rear view mirror as I drove back into the city and I saw you and the dog in the back seat. Neither of you could look me in the eye :-)

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