My Fellow Bloggers,
I beg of you all for help! I am writing my letter of Resignation to free myself from an evil corporation and all that I can think to say is:
Dear Sirs and Ladies, (If you are actually ever called that)
Guess what? I've had enough of your crap. You can find someone else to shit on, because as of June 30th, 2006 I will no longer work here. I expect to recieve my final paycheque on or before July 6th, 2006.
Up Yours with Love,
P.S. - I've been stealing paperclips and pens. The gluesticks are next!
Somehow, I don't think that will fly... And besides, even if I've left a job before, It's been under happier circumstances and I never had to write something while biting my tongue. I've NEVER burned a bridge with a possible reference and although, I doubt I will use these guys as one, I still can't give them a "F-You" letter (Even If It's Deserved)
PLEASE, I beg of all of you, help a sister out! If you have any good lines that I can use, send them my way! or in the comments! This letter will be written by 8:30 PM tonight! Come hell or high water, I'm outta here!
EDIT: So it's now way too late to be up, but I have written a lovely letter that calmly states my leaving in soft, gentle words... For Now!!! I will be writing a slightly more bold letter to my supervisor's supervisor stating exactly why I am leaving and giving examples in a calm and logical manner. Tomorrow is not the time for those points. Thanks for the GREAT suggestions, some are in the letter for tomorrow, and some are in the one for 2 weeks from now :-)
Thanks to Becky for proofing my letter tonight!
I'd probably go:
Dear Sirs and/or Madams:
It has come to my attention that your services have been unsatisfactory and are no longer needed. I hope to receive my final paycheque on or before July 6, 2006. Perhaps you will be a better employer to someone else.
Thank you for your prompt response,
HAHA your entry KILLED me! :)
To whom it may concern,
It is with deep and heartfelt joy that I hereby announce the death of my employment with your company, effective July 6th. The illness that is this job recently became terminal thanks to the consistently excremental treatment I so needlessly received over the last while. I expect my final remuneration shall be paid to me on or by July 6th, 2006.
Actually, Paradoxdb3’s advice seems wisest to me, especially the bit about sending a separate letter.
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