Thursday, July 06, 2006

Good Times, Bad Times and Good Times Yet to Come

It has been an exciting week since I last blogged. I have felt strange not checking emails or going to work or blogging. I almost can't remember what it was like before we had the internet!!! :-)

I have been busy and will continue to be for the next couple of days.

We went to Round Lake for a Family Reunion last Friday, and I left on Monday with my folks to come to Assiniboia for the week. I left The Husband to his own devices in Saskatoon for a few days... I guess I should have warned a few of you about that... Sorry :-)

We thought that it would be a busy week of cooking and preparing for my sister's wedding (which happens on SATURDAY!!!), but I had no Idea how busy we would be. Her fiancee's Grandfather passed away on Thursday, so we had to go to the wake on Mondayand the funeral on Tuesday. The family is native, and their burial rites are a little different than the ones I'm used to. Plus, Grandpa was buried at the family cemetary in Wood Mountain so there was more travel time involved.

I've been to Regina twice in the last three days to go shopping for wedding food and supplies. If I see another Costco Card, I'm going to scream!! I HATE Costco, and I had to go in there twice!!! Arrgh!

Also, My one sister and I are ready to rumble, but we are keeping it under wraps for now. There is a slight difference of opinion on a few things this week, but I am learning how to rage silently and with great stealth. It is neither my wedding, nor is it hers, so I refuse to ruin anything for the sister who is preparing for her nuptuals...

I had to wear my navy dotted dress to the funeral, b/c it was the one that I had here, so now I have to wear the black dress to the wedding. This is the official week of compromise and togetherness.

I am totally going to need a vacation to recover from my vacation.

I will put up pictures of the reunion and the wedding next week when I get back. I miss everyone, and I hope that you are all surviving this heat and humidity. We aren't handling this heat very well here. There has been something in the oven steady since Monday.
Either a ham or a turkey or buns... Today, the indoor thermometer said our house was 41 degrees!!! My parents don't have air conditioning. Plus, there are 11 people here sharing two bathrooms, four bedrooms, and one shower. That's SIX GIRLS and 5 boys... Anyone wanna Trade? :-)

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