Saturday, May 22, 2010

FML this week...

This last couple of weeks has been really long. I mean, excruciating. I mentioned earlier that The Hubby had been in the hospital... Here's My Whole Story.

The Hubby hurt his back last summer at the lake and he appears to have aggravated the injury. On the 11th he was at work, at the coffee pot of all places, and he "felt a snap, like a rubber band", he almost hit the floor it hurt so much.
This was the same day as I had to take The Baby to the Public Health Clinic for her 12 month immunization shots. (only 5 weeks late on that Mama! Good Parenting!)
So I had a cranky Baby and a cranky Hubby. Hubby went to a medi-clinic and was told to "take robaxacet and go to the chiropractor." Thanks for the help.

He laid down for a nap at around 6 PM after taking Advil and Robaxacet, and when he woke up at 10 PM, he couldn't move. I mean, he was totally immobile! After trying to pull him up, and even get him to roll onto his side, we called the HealthLine for advice. The nurse on the phone was great and basically told us to call 911 and have a paramedic give him some really good drugs to get him up and to the hospital.

There I am at 10:45 calling someone to come over and stay with The Baby while I go in an ambulance with my Super High Hubby.

I have never seen anyone hallucinate while on legal drugs before! He was seriously given over 30cc's of morphine before he could walk. Plus, as we left with some serious prescriptions, the nurse gave me a handful of Valium for him to take to keep him relaxed.

I needed some of that Valium... I really wanted to steal it, but I didn't, (I am a good wife, after all!)

We get home at around 6:30 am, and The Baby is having a slumber party on the couch with Daphne, The Most Amazing Friend In The World, because she came over, and then dealt with a Post-immunization cranky baby all night, and then had to go home to 3 year-old twins and a 14 month-old of her own.

It was a long day after that...

Then, a couple of days later on the 14th, it happens again! I load the man up on painkillers and take him to the hospital again, where after a further assessment including x-rays and a consultation with a spinal surgeon, they send us off with STRONGER doses of morphine and muscle relaxants and an appointment for an MRI. I am seriously Jealous of the meds at this point. The Husband may be in pain, but I am the one who has basically turned into a single mom with not only a 13 month old Baby, but a Hubby who is acting like a baby too! :-)

Now, he's spending most of his time in a complete drug haze, and I am wandering around trying to make sure he takes all of his various meds at the right times to keep him in a blissfully happy place, and I realize that our gloriously easy baby girl is getting less and less easy to care for. She is becoming a real crabby monster. She developed a fever on Monday the 17th that eventually turned into a 40.8 degree Celsius disaster! I tried giving her a cool bath and both Tylenol and Advil to bring it down, but that darned thing kept creeping up and she got more and more fussy. She finally hit the 40 mark and I took her to the Emergency room. (my 3rd hospital visit in 7 days!) We find out she has her very first ear infection. Now I am dosing meds to The Baby and The Hubby. I feel like an extra on Grey's or something.

The 18th was our 8th Wedding Anniversary, and I spent it rocking a sobbing Baby girl and heading back to the hospital once again for the MRI. The rest of this past week has gone by in a blur of Doctor's visits and pharmacy trips. We are still waiting on the Results of the MRI, waiting to see if the Hubby is going to have back surgery, or if he just gets to be on his butt for a while.

Finally, the May long weekend hits and all I want to do is run away, but I am stuck here dosing antibiotics and painkillers to people who are slowly draining my life force away.

I just want a break! My Mother is coming this week for a sort-of-visit. She has a series of meetings and courses for work this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She will be staying here with us so she can see The Baby during the evenings, and I am sorry to admit, that I really am grateful that she is going to be excited to give the baths and feed The Baby during her visit. I can maybe sneak out for a coffee or a nap. Or cheesecake. A whole cheesecake. That's how low I feel right now. We're at Def-Con 4: Whole Cheesecake. A slice won't do.

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