I hope that we are all ready for this... By we, I mean me.
Hello. My name is Tracey Quiring. I am a blogger.
That was easy!
I grew up in a small town in Southern Saskatchewan, I am the oldest of five kids, I have an incredible love for music, movies, books, and my friends are VERY important in my life. I like the color blue, I love hot wings and I have a hard time turning down Ice Cream...
I fall in like easily, but love is a tricky subject for me. I watch too much tv and I like to drive. I hate the gym, but I like the way losing weight feels. I like chocolate milk, but I don't like fudgesicles that much. I can't tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke, but I believe that some people can.
I wish that I knew if God was real. I want to believe that he is out there somewhere, but lately when I talk to him, he hasn't been talking back. This scares me. More than it probably should.
I know what I want, but I'm not sure how to get there. I have a few ideas and it will be fun trying them out. We'll see where I get to. You can come along for the adventure if you want to.
I want to be a little bit more confident. But I never want to be arrogant. Let me know if I start to get that way.
I like our talks on the internet, but I am tired of being the_yecart. Not that she is a bad person. She just gets the credit for being this really cool internet chick, when I do all of the work. By the way, Yecart is Tracey spelled backwards... Pretty smart, eh?
I hope that this makes little to no difference to those of you who read this blog. I am still the same chickie. I just am being a little bit braver, and a little bit bolder. Baby steps to bringing the true Grrrl inside of me out into this world.
Thank you for sticking around here with me. I really appreciate it more than you know.